Organizations tend to have restricted local area networks (LAN) to ensure security across all connected devices. This can cause issues when connecting to other locations, particularly via the Internet. That’s where various network features and protocols can provide access to clients without sacrificing security. A DMZ network is one such option. I’ll explain what DMZ means and why you may want to use it on your organization network.
بالتأكيد! سأشرح لك ما هو DMZ ولماذا قد ترغب في استخدامه في شبكة مؤسستك.
DMZ تعني “المنطقة المنزوعة السلاح” وهي منطقة في الشبكة تُستخدم لإضافة طبقة إضافية من الأمان بين الشبكة الداخلية الخاصة بك والإنترنت. تُستخدم DMZ عادةً لاستضافة الخدمات التي تحتاج إلى الوصول من الإنترنت، مثل خوادم الويب أو خوادم البريد الإلكتروني، دون تعريض الشبكة الداخلية للخطر
What is a DMZ?
A demilitarized zone (DMZ) in the networking world doesn’t relate to warfare. A DMZ is a perimeter network that adds security to a LAN against unwanted traffic. A DMZ configured on a LAN aims to allow clients access to external locations, such as the Internet, without compromising overall security. This can be especially useful for email, file transfers, web servers, and other externally focused solutions where their primary focus is untrusted traffic.